You get a small magnetic tactics board (used on both sides), including 27 colored magnets (with numbers) and a wipeable board marker. Included also is a high-quality black bag which optimally protects the board in daily use. With this board is provided 2 brackets, with which it can easily be attached to the wall. Dimensions of the board: 300 x 450 mm. The achievement of tactical goals will be much easier with this magnetic tactics board because every move can be displayed perfectly. Coaches from the professional sector also work with our products. You can also purchase other interesting training supports in our shop.

Product details:

  • Football tactics board (on both sides)
  • 300 x 450 mm
  • includes a bag for the modern manager, which is usable on both sides
  • Includes 27 colored magnets
  • Dimensions: 300 x 450 mm (white board with black lines)
  • Also includes board marker (wipeable) and clips for the wall
  • Professional Goods

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Good luck with the tactics discussion!

tab placehold

FOOTBALL - tactics board (on both sides) 300 x 450 mm

Magnetical tactics board (on both sides) incl. bag, 27 magnets + boardmarker

Item number 671

EUR 29.90 *
Content 1 piece
Unit price EUR 29.90 / piece
In stock. Order by 11 am, dispatch the same day.
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

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